It Takes Two is an innovative two-player action-adventure game developed by Hazelight Studios and published by EA. The game follows the unique journey of two characters named Cody and May as they navigate a fantasy world while trying to mend their tumultuous marriage. Filled with creative puzzles, action-packed scenes, and a rich story, this game offers an unforgettable experience to play with your friends or loved ones.
Key Features:
• Two-Player Game: A game entirely based on collaboration.
• Rich Story: An emotional and fun journey in a fantasy world.
• Various Mechanics: A mix of various genres from platformers to puzzles.
• Impressive Visuals: A detailed and captivating game world.
• Fun with Friends: Play in both online and local co-op modes.
System Requirements:
• Operating System: Windows 10 (64-bit)
• Processor: Intel Core i3-2100T / AMD FX 6100
• RAM: 8 GB
• Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / AMD R7 260x
• Storage: 50 GB available space
Delivery Process:
1. Code Delivery: Once your purchase is complete, your It Takes Two code will be securely delivered via email.
2. Immediate Use:
• Log in to your EA App account and select "Redeem Code".
• Enter your code to activate the game.
• Download the game and play with your friend.
Buy It Takes Two now and embark on a unique adventure!