Fallout 3

390,00 TL
97,50 TL
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Fallout 3 is delivered as a Steam CD key after purchase. Vault-Tec engineers worked tirelessly throughout the day to recreate Wasteland life interactively so you can enjoy your own adventure. It features a comprehensive world, unique combat, stunning realistic visuals, tons of player choices, and an amazing dynamic character cast.
    About Fallout 3

    Regarded as one of the best RPG games, Fallout is a production that provides enjoyment to players with its free gameplay and surprising storyline. The story of the game and the way it handles the story is quite impressive. We can say that it is another game that perfectly portrays the civilization that disappeared in a post-apocalyptic universe and brilliantly orchestrates the struggle for survival. The only surviving human being after a major disaster tries to protect themselves from the dangers outside by settling in shelters called "Vaults" underground. It is believed that the outer world is uninhabitable due to high radioactivity and that the remaining beings have changed and become dangerous.
    The Fallout universe progresses in parallel to world history until World War II but diverges after this date, turning into an alternative story. One of the most important differences between the Fallout universe and our world is that transistors have not been discovered in the Fallout universe. Transistors were invented in our world in 1947. With this device, the decay in all the devices we use gradually occurred, but since it has not been discovered in the Fallout universe, computers, televisions, and even radios are large and bulky in the 22nd century. If you have played the other games in the series before, you may have noticed this. Cathode ray tubes are used in computer monitors in the Fallout universe, so these monitors can be used in monochrome, or black and white. The artificial intelligence and robot technology in the Fallout universe, despite appearing primitive to us due to the lack of transistors, are quite advanced compared to the real world. They have hardware powered by nuclear energy that can process visual and auditory data individually and respond to them instantly.
    The technology used in the Fallout universe looks very different from the technology we use. Devices, weapons, and medical technologies show significant differences. For example, when you use steam patches when injured, a different biomedical product, when injected into your body, can rapidly heal small wounds.
    The Bethesda Game Studios team, which has created an incredible fictional world, has made us so interested in this world that we are captivated by it.
    Where and how to buy Fallout 3 at the cheapest price?

    You can buy Fallout 3 at a discounted price from our website. You can shop on our website without membership or by creating an account. After clicking on the Buy Fallout 3 Steam button, add the game to your basket and then proceed by selecting your payment method. You can make payments using all types of credit cards on our website. In addition, you can make installment purchases of games with your credit cards from our contracted banks. In addition to payment with Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and other cryptocurrencies like Etherium, you can buy the Fallout 3 game. After making a transfer to our contracted banks, you can also buy products instantly with your site balance. Information about the price of Fallout 3 and discounted price information is right next to the buy button.
    How to activate Fallout 3 cd key?

    To activate the Fallout 3 Steam key, you need to have a steam account. The Fallout 3 activation process is done through steam. Paste the key you purchased from our site into the 'Activate a Product on Steam' section of the steam launcher and activate it. You can download Fallout 3 from the page that appears. After the download process, you can start playing Fallout 3. For more detailed information, we have illustrated instructions available. Click on the 'How to activate Fallout 3 key' button at the top of the page for more information.
    What are the System Requirements for Fallout 3?

    Fallout 3 Minimum System Requirements
    • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista
    • Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
    • Memory: 1 GB (XP) / 2 GB (Vista)
    • Storage: 7 GB
    • Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card with 256MB of RAM (NVIDIA 6800 or higher / ATI X850 or higher)
    • Sound: DirectX®: 9.0c
    Fallout 3 Recommended System Requirements
    • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista
    • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo processor
    • Memory: 2 GB System RAM
    • Storage: 7 GB
    • Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible video card, 512MB RAM (NVIDIA 8800 series, ATI 3800 series)
    • Sound: DirectX®: 9.0c
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